Артикул: 1121745

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Название или условие:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Задание 1.
Переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните глагол-сказуемое в каждом предложении и определите видовременные формы глаголов и залог.
1. Russion chemical science is successfully solving many complex problems.
2. Radio astronomy has given mankind efficient means for penetration into space.
3. Becquerel‘s discovery was followed by an intensive research work of Marie and Pierre Curie.
4. Heat energy is transmitted in two different ways.
5. One day Watson brought the new transmitter to the library.
6. An electric circuit is a path through which an electric current flows.
7. The professor will make a report at the conference.

Задание 2.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода русский язык определений выраженных именем существительным.
1. This plant reconstruction will be completed this year.
2. A new era in space communication was opened on April 12. 1961. by the Soviet cosmonaut Major Yuri Gagarin – the first man in space.
3. The Earth satellites are used as communication relay station or are base for astronomical observation.

Задание 3.
Подчеркните глаголы «to be» и «to have». Определите функцию и переведите предложение на русский язык.
1. Her budget is $ 150 a day
2. She is staying for three days.
3. Rockefeller Center is an arts centre.
4. There are a lot of good restaurants in New York.
5. Central Park is dangerous.
6. We have to do this work.
7. They have given us many books.

Задание 4.
Переведите текст на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы, их эквиваленты.
Jacqueline Roy is a Personnel manager or Ecospar, the Dutch chemicals company. She is also the mother of three young children. She is very happy with her job conditions, because she has to work only four days a week. She can also bring her children to work because Ecospar has good childcare facilities. Obviously she can't see them during the day because she is so busy. But she doesn't have to work at weekends, and this makes family life much easier for her. To be accepted as a woman in a man's world, she believes she must do her job better than the men around her, especially as she chooses to work part time. Her advice to working women; 'You mustn't be too nice.

Задание 5.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.
1. It is a well know fact that radio communication has no limits nowadays.
2. When the two conductors are separated by an insulator they have some capacity.
3. Some special requirements are demanded in this case.
4. No charges can move in an open circuit.
5. Some devices work equally well both on direct and alternating current.
6. In any telephone system or other sounds are converted into electric signals.

Переведите текст письменно. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос.
For seven years, Kenshin Oshima had a very good job at the firm Mitsui and Co. But, at the age of 29. he did something very rare for a Japanese manager in his position — he resigned.
Oshima earned a salary at Mitsui, but he wanted to make a lot of money, and to be very rich he needed to have his own company. He couldn't afford to start a company immediately, but during his years at Mitsui he spent very little money, and saved as much as he could. In 1978, he invested his money, $236,500 in total, in his new company. Shohkoh Fund and Co. Shohkoh Fund specialized in lending money to businesses, but in small sums. This decision was a risk, as money-lending by private companies was not a respectable job in 1978. His first client was a firm in Tokyo, which paid back the money that it owed at an interest rate of 24%.
But his idea was good: his profits rose by 25% a year, and reached $38.5 million in 1992. He owns 80% of Shohkoh, and his shares in the company are now worth $997 million, So, Oshima is now a billionaire, or nearly, but his strategy for the company is still the same: even now he specializes in smaller loans (a typical client borrows only $40.000), and he personally examines the references of every new client.

A. When did Kenshin Oshima join Mirsui and Co.?
B. Why did he resign from his job?
C. Why didn't he start his company before 1978?
D. Where did he get the money to launch his business?
E. What does his company do?

Процесс покупки очень прост и состоит всего из пары действий:
1. После нажатия кнопки «Купить» вы перейдете на сайт платежной системы, где можете выбрать наиболее удобный для вас способ оплаты (банковские карты, электронные деньги, с баланса мобильного телефона, через банкоматы, терминалы, в салонах сотовой связи и множество других способов)
2. После успешной оплаты нажмите ссылку «Вернуться в магазин» и вы снова окажетесь на странице описания задачи, где вместо зеленой кнопки «Купить» будет синяя кнопка «Скачать»
3. Если вы оплатили, но по каким-то причинам не смогли скачать заказ (например, случайно закрылось окно), то просто сообщите нам на почту или в чате артикул задачи, способ и время оплаты и мы отправим вам файл.
Условия доставки:
Получение файла осуществляется самостоятельно по ссылке, которая генерируется после оплаты. В случае технических сбоев или ошибок можно обратиться к администраторам в чате или на электронную почту и файл будет вам отправлен.
Условия отказа от заказа:
Отказаться возможно в случае несоответсвия полученного файла его описанию на странице заказа.
Возврат денежных средств осуществляется администраторами сайта по заявке в чате или на электронной почте в течении суток.

Похожие задания:

Перевести текст на русский языкПеревести текст на русский язык
Виды перевода в современном мире. (курсовая работа)Перевести текст на русский язык
Залоговые отношения в пассивных и активных конструкциях. (курсовая работа)Сопоставьте разделы резюме:
1) личные данные
2) цель
3) образование
4) опыт работы
5) навыки
6) дополнительные сведения, увлечения
7) рекомендации
Задание: перевести текст на русский языкЗаполните пропуски в диалоге следующими фразами:
− Are you checking out now, sir?
− Yes, that`s right. Room four one seven.
− 1) ___________________, Mr. Collins. How would you like to pay?
− Hold on a minute, this can`t be right. It says here, 10.763 roubles. I think there`s been a mistake. 2) ____________________________.
− I`ll just check that for you. 3) __________________________ you had from the minibar in your room
− 4) ________________________.
a) I`ve been overcharged.
b) I`ll pay by cash.
c) This amount here is for drinks.
d) Here`s your bill.
Перевести текст на русский языкКонтрольная работа по английскому языку.