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Название или условие:
Контрольная работа 1 (Teleworking)
I. Прочитайте текст и занесите слова с транскрипцией, которые мешают пониманию текста, в Vocabulary notebook. Переведите их
Прочитайте текст еще раз и проверьте, поняли ли вы его содержание. В тетради для упражнений (Exercise book) письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What does teleworking actually involve?
2. What kinds of teleworking are there?
3. Which of them is the most common? Why?
4. What is telecottage exactly?
5. What changes does this method of working bring about in the daily routine of someone used to office work?
6. Does teleworking interest companies because it helps them economize or because it helps in the recruitment of new staff?
7. What are the main disadvantages of working from home?
8. The disadvantages can be avoided. What compromise solution is suggested?
II. V. Найдите в тексте описания преимуществ и недостатков дистанционной работы, перепишите их в Exercise book и переведите на русский язык.
III. Прочитайте текст еще раз и определите Ваше отношение к дистанционной работе, заполнив следующую таблицу + и -.

Broadly speaking teleworking is an arrangement which enables employees to work at any time or place in an effective and efficient manner. In other words work can be done away from a traditional work place such as an office or a factory but with the development of telecommunication systems and information technology. It tends to refer to those types of work that use modern means of communication. People used to go to offices because that was where the equipment was sited and the documents were kept. But in the Age of Information and Telecommunications physical location is no longer so important. It is now possible to transmit immense quantities of information to many people around the world in less time. Crucial to the development of teleworking is awareness that the whole concept of office work is becoming an anachronism.
There are basically five distinct kinds of teleworking activities. The most common is home teleworking when the employee uses his or her place of residence as a kind of office and does work at home.
Then there's mobile teleworking. That means that he or she works a lot on the phone. It is when people move around from place to place and communicate with a mobile phone, or they use their laptop to send e-mails to, and receive messages from the central office.
Another type of teleworking, originated in Scandinavia, is called the telecottage. The idea here is that a location, usually in a rural area but which has all the essential telecommunications and computer hardware, is shared by several firms. Sometimes the telecottage acts as a kind of employment agent putting distant companies in touch with local people to do the work.
The next kind of teleworking activities is called satellite centres. These are small local offices which are shared by the same employees of one particular firm. They are usually located in the suburbs close to people's homes and so it means less travelling.
And on the subject of travel there's also something called telecommuting whereby the worker is based part-time at home and part-time at the office.
Teleworking has got its tangible benefits. Although teleworking is still atypical, it can help companies to retain skilled staff while cutting costs.
Employers make sayings on overheads, such as office space, heating and maintenance; and there can be economies in salaries if the work is moved to staff who live away from the main skill shortage centres. For example, the survey showed that employers can save 63% of the cost of absenteeism per employee who works from home. The research clearly showed that an organization with 100 employees can potentially save $200 000 every year if 20 per cent of the staff telework.
Teleworking can also make for more efficient use of employees' time: no commuting to work, working at the pace wanted, no time-wasting office gossip, communicating with colleagues over the phone, fax and e-mail at any time at home.
Remote working can have its drawbacks among which is the inevitable isolation. It could lead to employees working for longer hours and less money than they would be in an office. Besides workers could lose touch with the company and be passed over for promotion. The lack of face-to-face conversations, discussions and decisions that are made in a company make employees miss out on all that.
To meet the complaints of being isolated the companies have introduced a series of local work centres where homeworkers could do their jobs together. Now their time is divided between three locations: home, the local work centre and clients' premises.
The development of networks of personal computers, information transmission, retrieval and communication has developed to such an extent that it is no longer so important for employees to commute to the office. The number of people teleworking is rising every year and getting more and more popular.

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Процесс покупки очень прост и состоит всего из пары действий:
1. После нажатия кнопки «Купить» вы перейдете на сайт платежной системы, где можете выбрать наиболее удобный для вас способ оплаты (банковские карты, электронные деньги, с баланса мобильного телефона, через банкоматы, терминалы, в салонах сотовой связи и множество других способов)
2. После успешной оплаты нажмите ссылку «Вернуться в магазин» и вы снова окажетесь на странице описания задачи, где вместо зеленой кнопки «Купить» будет синяя кнопка «Скачать»
3. Если вы оплатили, но по каким-то причинам не смогли скачать заказ (например, случайно закрылось окно), то просто сообщите нам на почту или в чате артикул задачи, способ и время оплаты и мы отправим вам файл.
Условия доставки:
Получение файла осуществляется самостоятельно по ссылке, которая генерируется после оплаты. В случае технических сбоев или ошибок мозно обратиться к администраторам в чате или на электронную почту и файл будет вам отправлен.
Условия отказа от заказа:
Отказаться возможно в случае несоответсвия поулченного файла его описанию на странице заказа.
Возврат денежных средств осуществляется администраторами сайта по заявке в чате или на электронной почте в течении суток.

Похожие задания:

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Имплицитное выражение количественной неоднородности признака. (реферат)Контрольная работа по английскому языку.
Выберите соответствие между вопросами и ответными фразами:
A – Could I speak to your manager?
1) I’m very sorry, but we don’t serve lunch before 12.
B – Can I book a single room for tonight?
2) I’m sorry, but I don’t know Spanish.
C – Can I have lunch at the moment?
3) I’m sorry, but he is not here at the moment.
D – Could you translate that?
4) I’m very sorry, but we are fully booked for tonight.
Перевести текст на русский язык
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Прочитайте и переведите образец письма-подтверждения предварительного заказа номера в гостинице
Dear Мrs O'Brian,
Thank you for your letter of 5th April 2016. We are pleased to confirm the hotel accommodation you need for the month of August 2016. We enclose а short description of how you reach our hotel.
We look forward to your stay with us.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Webster
Reservations Мanager
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